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  • Fast NBN for your Better Future Connectivity
    NBN (National Broadband Network) is Australia's national wholesale open-access data network that has wired, and radio communication components rolled out and being operated by NBN Co. NBN Co is a government-owned corporation ISP known under NBN as a retail service provider contract with NBN to access the data network and sell fixed internet access to Australia's end users.
    Fast NBN for your Better Future Connectivity admin
    admin on Thursday, November 9, 2023
    reviews [0]
    NBN Home Internet [13]

    Today NBN welcomed the government's commitment to invest $2.4 Billion to roll out more fibre to communities across different areas in Australia. It will enable additional 1.5 million homes and businesses currently served by FTTN (fibre to the node) to upgrade to FTTP (fibre to the premises). These full fibre connections provide a faster broadband speed, improved reliability, and energy efficiency and support the provision of additional data capacity across the NBN network. 

    Different NBN Technologies

    1.Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) - the optical fibre is connected to the premises and its network boundary point is the UNI port on the NBN connection box inside the premises.

    2.Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) - the optical fibre connects to the node in a nearby street and its coaxial cable connects the node to each premise. 

    3.Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) - the optical fibre connected to a node in the telecom pit located outside the premises along the street kerb. Its copper connects the node to the premises and the network boundary point is the first wall socket within the premises for a single dwelling and the customer-side MDF for a multi-dwelling.

    4.Fibre to the Node (FTTN) - the optical fibre connects to a node in a nearby street and its copper connects the node to each premise. The network boundary point is the first wall socket within the premises for a single dwelling and its customer-side MDF for a multi-dwelling. 

    5.Fibre to the Building (FTTB) - the optical fibre is run to an NBN DSLAM connected to the building's MDF and its internal cabling completes the connection to the end-user premises.

    6.Fixed Wireless - the wireless signal from the NBN wireless tower is being received by a fixed antenna on the roof of each premise.

    Among the different NBN technologies, one of the fastest NBN connection is FTTP (fibre to the premises) and has potential future expansion. Here are some advantages of using this Fast NBN technology:

    It offers stronger and faster connection - with speedier service you can enjoy high-quality of video calls with long distance friends and loved ones and create a meeting without it freezing or dropping out. 

    It has smarter ways to work - it's a whole lot easier for studying and working from home with faster access to any online tools and able to download and upload bigger file attachments quickly.

    It offers a better healthcare - doctors and any medical staff can able to conduct routine health consultations in just using a video conferencing and other online communication tools. 

    With fast NBN there's no impossible and you can increase your productivity and efficiency. This doesn't apply only to any individual but also business and the whole economy can gain benefits. There are various NBN plans you can choose from, from different providers. 

    Learn more here at our website https://www.nextelle.com.au.

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